My New Terminal



I have moved to new termanal app. It's amazing. Cheers and beers to Kovid Goyal and amazing kitty

Why no more iterm2?

I have been using iterm2 for almost 10 years now, and it was great experience overall. Having said that, I confess that it became way too heavy for me. By the end of the day – I am still a fan of KISS approach, so I don't need 8 windows with 14 tabs each to configure such a small thing as a terminal application. With latest update came some more features, that I don't need – and to tell the truth I don't have time to learn them all.

Follow the kitten

What can it do?

Well, it's a terminal. It can be a terminal and even more. Kitty has a lot of features, the most useful for me are:

  • Tabs support
  • Terminal splitting
  • Full key bindings configuration
  • Tab Activity notifications
  • Tab bell notification
  • URL one-click opener
  • Copy on select
  • Themes customization

And lot-lot more.

In addition, the configuration is stored in text files. I really loved that.

There are some extensions right there. I found the most useful for my needs: ssh, diff, broadcast It turns the light and simple terminal to really mighty tool, that can help in your daily work.

And one last thing: it is blazing fast! So my sencire recommendations for this great kitty!